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Active Alert Hypnotherapy

Active Alert Hypnotherapy is a form of hypnotherapy that aims to induce a relaxed yet focused state of awareness. It combines elements of traditional hypnosis with techniques to keep you engaged and alert during the session. It can be used to help in managing stress, anxiety, phobias, smoking cessation, weight management, improving sleep, enhancing self-confidence, and even performance enhancement in sports or public speaking. The goal of Active Alert hypnotherapy is to help people access their subconscious mind and promote positive change through suggestions and visualisations.


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Exercise bike as used for active alert hypnotherapy, weight loss

What is Active Alert Hypnotherapy?

Active Alert Hypnotherapy is an approach that combines hypnosis techniques with a state of focused awareness and mental alertness. During Active Alert Hypnotherapy, you will remain highly attentive and conscious, while also experiencing a heightened state of concentration and receptivity to suggestions. The process typically involves relaxation techniques to induce a calm state, followed by suggestions and imagery that aim to stimulate your subconscious mind and promote positive changes in thoughts, behaviours, or emotions. This can be achieved through guided visualisation, positive affirmations, or other therapeutic techniques tailored to your needs. By maintaining an active and alert state during hypnosis, you are better able to actively participate in the therapeutic process, integrate suggestions into your conscious and subconscious mind, and potentially enhance the efficacy of the therapy. The Active Alert approach aims to engage your focus, imagination, and receptiveness to create positive therapeutic outcomes.

How I Use Active Alert Hypnotherapy

I use Active Alert Hypnotherapy as part of an overal package of hypnotherapy sessions. I will provide you with a personalised hypnotherapy script recording and you will listen to the recording while exercising (most likely cycling on an exercise bike) in the comfort of your own home. The recording will guide you into a relaxed yet focused state while you are pedalling on the bike. I will use a combination of verbal suggestions, visualisation techniques, and positive affirmations to enhance your therapeutic experience. You will remain mentally alert and engaged, utilising the physical activity of cycling as a means to facilitate deeper relaxation and subconscious exploration. The aim is to harness your mind-body connection for therapeutic purposes, promoting your overall well-being and supporting you to achieve your goals.

What Does the Research Say?

While there is limited specific research on the benefits of Active Alert Hypnotherapy, there is a substantial body of research on the effectiveness of hypnotherapy in general. Numerous studies have shown that hypnotherapy can be beneficial for various conditions, including reducing anxiety, managing pain, improving sleep, and enhancing performance. The Active Alert approach in hypnotherapy aims to maintain a state of focused awareness, which may enhance your engagement and receptiveness to therapeutic suggestions. More research specifically focused on Active Alert Hypnotherapy will be useful to establish its unique benefits and efficacy compared to other forms of hypnotherapy.

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